Friday, May 11, 2012

Shine: A Powerful 4-step Plan For Becoming A Star In Anything You Do

Habit of a Successful star~

-successful stars are people with positive thinking. They speak what they want in a positive way. (Power of spoken words)That’s why people are attracted to them.

-They are confident with whatever they are doing. They never give up after failing. They try again and again until they succeed.

-They are unshakable and are not affected by what others might say.

-They have a strong sense of self awareness. They can analyse their own mood, emotions, thinking and action. They also have the capability to control them.

-They have a Mentor who will guide them through their odds.

- They associate with positive people. Hang around with successful people. Cut off relationship with negative influences.

-They became their first Fan in their Fan club by loving themselves and accept themselves the way they are.

-They booths their strength and improve on their weaknesses

-They are not afraid of failure. They conquer fear, take action, turn liability into opportunities, make good use of limited resources, turn hostile environment into their assets.   

-Don’t feel ashamed when they talk to people whom they respect. They seek advice for better improvement.

-Speak with great confidence.  

-have people skills. Care for people around them. (Opposite of love is not hate but indifference). People liked to be liked.

-Are always ready to face challenge.

Habit of the failure~

-Negative mind set. Speak what they don’t want.

-self-pitiful. Always blame the situation when things went wrong. think they that are not talented and are meant to fail….etc

-never leave their comfort zone. Resist changing.

-indifference to people around them. Self cantered

-many more

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